
Costs You Should Expect


  • Withdrawal Fee 0,1%: We take a 0.1% withdrawal fee to prevent [Frontrunning]. The fee does not go to our protocol, but stays in the vault and is shared as additional reward for all users that are still in the vault.

  • Performance Fee 4.5%

    A performance fee of 4.5% is applied to all compounded profits.

    For example, if you have deposited $100 at 2% daily APR, your first compound will be $2. Of that $2, 4.5% will be administered as a performance fee ($0.09) and the remaining 95.5% is reinvested into your balance ($1.91 -- your new balance is now $101.91).

    The 4.5% fee is distributed as follows:

All vaults that are not on BSC will send their fees to our [Treasury]. Each monday they will be bridged to BSC (if amount big enough). All fees will then be redistributed to pool and token.

Except the 0.1% withdraw fee, any deposit/withdraw fee/tax that you see in our interface, is charged by the utilized platforms and NOT by Moon Vault.

Last updated